FAQ: ADSX Solution (Anti-Dengue Solution)
Frequently-Asked Questions
on the
Frequently-Asked Questions
on the
ADSX Solution
(Anti-Dengue Solution)
(Anti-Dengue Solution)
(This FAQ will be edited frequently, please visit again soon.)
This FAQ was prepared for those who want to know more about the ADSX. This is not an "offer to sell" nor an "advertisement." ADSX is not for sale and is not commercially available. As we repeat over and over again, your doctors are the best persons to help you in case of dengue.
You may contact us at adsxsolutionNOSPAM@gmail.com
Starting today, nobody in the world should die of dengue.
Why? Because we think we know how to counter the dengue virus. For a short-cut, read the so-called "miracle case."
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"Miracle Case" |
Our goal is "Zero Deaths From Dengue."
So far, we have attained and maintained this perfect record.
We are here to help, in case our help is needed.
We are not here to convince anyone. We are here to document our experience. This documentation is anecdotal, not scientific.
Even in our "cases," we always tell them to follow their doctors; we are just on standby, when our help is sought.
We have about 100 case histories but since we started uploading these case histories only a few have been uploaded for far. However, the case histories are similar; similar patient responses, similar graphs, similar charts, similar low medical bills, similar survivor stories.
As you browse the information in this website, notice that if you can find persistent, consistent, predictable, replicable, reproducible reactions and results, what does this mean? Does this qualify as a definition of a "cure?" We are not making that conclusion but we are sharing with your our experience.
Elsewhere in this website, in the specific example of patient RA. The first time they contacted us, we told them to give all the leeway to their doctors, patient RA had 3 doctors, but that we will just be on standby. After two days, they called us again, to try our solution.
Before giving the solution, as is the practice, we explained what to expect, what the patient response would be, and when these effects are to be expected.
Repeating this info over and over again to each patient's family, somehow is inconvenient.
For the educated patients, we refer them to the FAQ and Instructions on this website.
For the uneducated, we still do the time-consuming one-hour explanation.
At any rate. the patient's representatives are met face to face, except for the out of town patients.
While this solution has been "invented" sometime in 2007, and came to be used regularly in 2010, we did not keep a repository of information like this website.
However, in the first week of August 2012, a tragedy happened that caused us to make these information about our experiences available.
In the first week of August 2012, a patient who already had a platelet transfusion, was scheduled to check out of the hospital, but rapidly deteriorated in condition, and died.
This was unthinkable. This occurred very recently, in a private hospital, in a world-class hospital accredited by world accrediting body, with world-class doctors, with world-class equipment facilities, with the last medical protocol on how to deal with dengue.
Why did the patient die?
Why were we affected so much by the tragedy? Because it was so close to home.
In contrast, during the same week, a few rooms away from the patient who died, in the very same world-class hospital, in the same week, another child with dengue was safely out in a few days.
What is the difference between the two patients? The Grade 7 Ateneo girl who survived safely took the ADSX Solution.
Is this cause and effect? It is up to you to judge. The mother of the surviving child herself told us about the death of the child in the other room.
And this mother texted: "Thank you so much for knowing you. Your dengue solution really a big miracle for my daughter."
Then just two weeks later, in the third week of August, another tragedy happened.
In another private hospital, another child died of dengue. This was a hospital whose college regularly has topnotchers in the medical board every time. Why did this patient die?
Who told us of this second tragedy? An employee of the hospital itself who happened to be on his day off the child was admitted as a transferee from a government hospital. Had he been present he would have referred the child to us.
Could we have saved that child? Maybe, or maybe not.
Which would you rather be: The mother of the child who died, or the mother of the child who survived? Same world-class hospital, same week, just a few rooms from each other.
Would you rather be the mother who had prior information about the ADSX Solution or the mother who did not know about it.?
As you read the information in this website, think of this. Should I tell or should I not tell, my relatives about this information before their children have dengue?
As your read the case histories, try to analyze the charts. Don't they look similar? Is there pattern? Is this pattern a mere coincidence or this is patter a result of a cause-and-effect.?
If the "effect" of the ADSX Solution, is a mere "coincidence," then:
How come the pattern of response is the same or similar for every patient?
How come the patient response is persistent?
How come the patient response is consistent?
How come the patient response is predictable?
How come the patient response is replicable?
How come the patient response is reproducible?
If this is a mere coincidence, then how come the doctors do not have the same "coincidence?"
We are not here to convince you. You decide.
If we can provide a pattern to expect, and this is observed in almost 100 cases, with different patients, with different initial platelet counts at the time the ADSX Solution is administered, then such pattern of predictability and expectation is no longer due to chance but due to real cause-and-effect.
Even if you mathematically apply the chi-square test of variance analysis in statistics, the cause-and-effect relationship is established.
Notice that if you can find persistent, consistent, predictable, replicable, reproducible reactions and results, as a whole, does this not qualify as a definition of a "cure?"
We ask the question, you provide the answer
What is the ADSX Solution?
It is a solution taken as a drink that has helped many dengue patients so far.
Why is it named ADSX Solution?
This is just an unofficial name. This solution has been used for a few years without any name but then it became cumbersome to refer to an unnamed item. Thus, temporarily, we call this the ADSX Solution.
Is the ADSX Solution a vaccine?
No. ADSX Solution is not a vaccine. Yet it helps the patient in a different way. It is a solution or a mixture.
Remember that a vaccine is a biological preparation. Vaccines are controversial because most of them have side effects. So far, there is no vaccine yet against the dengue virus. But the medical researchers are testing some probable vaccines.
To repeat, the ADSX Solution is not a vaccine. And vaccines are not necessarily safe. Be forewarned especially for experimental vaccines.
What makes ADSX Solution different from any "experimental vaccine" being developed by large pharmaceutical firms or by the WHO and US CDC?
The difference is in the strategy.
The strategy taken by the WHO, CDC, and multi-national pharma firms is the "vaccine" strategy.
Let us ask the question: Why is it that the solution to dengue has to be a "vaccine?"
Remember that in layman's terms the vaccine strategy is developing a virus to kill another virus. It's like creating a warrior to kill another warrior.
But how do we know that the vaccine strategy is the correct strategy? And why is it that the "vaccine" mentality seems to be the favorite default strategy of the medical researchers world wide?
What if that vaccine actually creates another problem or another disease?
Has it ever occurred to the medical scientists that maybe the vaccine mentality is the wrong strategy? Vaccine for HIV, vaccine for H5N1, vaccine for dengue? Does the cure have to be this complicated?
On the other hand, the strategy followed by the ADSX Solution is different. We may call it the "environmental strategy." Under what environment does the dengue flourish? Then we address that environmental issue.
Therefore, the ADSX is not a biological solution, and consequently, it does not contain micro-organisms, microbes, bacteria, or other vaccine-type organisms.
Is the ADSX Solution a cure for dengue?
The short-cut answer is the so-called "miracle case."
In the meantime, read on.
The World Health Organization says there is "no cure for dengue."
And that sentence summarizes the state of the medical research in the entire planet.
We have sent man to moon about 40 years ago, but we cannot cure dengue.
Is ADSX a cure for dengue?
Let us answer that question this way.
We cannot engage in a semantic debate. What is meant by a "cure?"
How much research money needs to be spent in medical trials world-wide in order to categorize something as a cure?
In the medical world today, the word "cure" means "money" invested in clinical trials.
We cannot therefore as yet call it a cure for dengue.
But then, if your child is in the intensive care unit, vomiting blood, bleeding in the gums, and bleeding through the nose, and the platelet count is only 7k, looking so pale with patches of dark spots throughout the body, and the doctors have nothing to give in terms of cure, what would be your feelings at that very moment?
Would you still be interested to debate on the semantics of what is a "cure?"
And when faced with that decision, at that moment, are you going to say, we cannot drink the ADSX because it is not a "cure?"
Rina Melan, the patient with the 7K drank ADSX solution which arrived by LBC courier, and within a few hours improved (read her case history somewhere in this blog), and checked-out of the hospital, as if nothing, happened.
Was she "cured?" She is alive. She doesn't need to debate. She's 22 years old. And her doctor even asked what was that bottle that she drank.
And if you are given the same situation, what would your decision be? To drink or not to drink?
To repeat the question: Is ADSX a cure for dengue?
Answer: Ask the almost 200 documented patients who have first hand experience in using it. And in reading the case histories that are being gradually uploaded here, if you can find a persistent, consistent, predictable, replicable, reproducible reactions and results, then does this not qualify as a definition of a "cure?"
You decide.
What are the ingredients of the ADSX Solution?
Sorry, this is kept a secret, and so is the process of making it. But for the curious, the ADSX doesn't contain the popular "mangagaw" and the now trending "papaya juice."
How effective is the ADSX Solution?
For a short-cut, please read the so-called "miracle case."
We are not competing in the Olympic Games of Effectiveness.
The best way gauge if this is effective is to go through the case histories. Since the ADSX has been only available by referral, usually, the family of a recovering patient is the source of the testimony of effectiveness.
If you have almost 300 case histories and happy families, is this enough for you as proof of effectiveness?
If you can find a persistent, consistent, predictable, replicable, reproducible reactions and results, then does this not qualify as a definition of a "cure?"
What makes ADSX Solution different from the other "alternative medicines" for dengue?
In a separate article, I will explain why. But for now, here is the basic difference.
With the other "medicines", some people plucked out some grass or herb or plant and experimented whether it worked on their patient. This the process why some people use "mangagaw." Someone took the leaves and roots of "mangagaw" and gave it to the patient who got well. (Some got well, some didn't, is this a game of chance?)
On one hand, with ADSX, the process was opposite. The inventors identified what factors or substances or characteristics of the "solution" that was needed to kill the dengue virus. Having identified those characteristics, the inventor sought those from existing natural sources. Then he gathered those sources and made the solution which we now call the ADSX solution.
In short, the usual method is to pluck out some plant and hope it works, while on the other hand, the method for the ADSX was to identify the desirable characteristics of the anti-dengue solution and the inventor sourced it using backward integration.
The ADSX Solution, therefore, is not a result of a blind experimentation.
The ingredients were sought out as a result of the process of deduction: which minerals, elements, herbs, and plants possess the desirable characteristics of an anti-dengue cure?
And finding the right mixing proportions as well. That's another secret.
What are the characteristics of an ideal anti-dengue cure that helped the inventor come out with the ADSX solution?
That's a secret.
It was this process of thinking that inspired the inventor to come up with the ADSX solution.
Without the intervention of the ADSX Solution, what usually happens to the patient?
If you noticed, the moment you entered the hospital the platelet count drops rapidly in almost a free-fall off a cliff.
This is the free-fall that is very scary because it is at this time that you realize that the entire medical intelligence in this planet has no cure for dengue, and your doctors says so: "There is no cure for dengue."
Frequently, the doctors will just say, "monitor and observe." Monitor for what? Monitor until such moment when they tell you that you need to find a platelet donor?
That's the scary part. Your child will be given a "drip/dextrose" and probably some paracetamol.
A dangerous virus that rapidly kills in a few days and the solution is "monitor" and "paracetamol?"
Look at the case histories in this blog. It is common to see a drop from a normal platelet count of 200K to 50K in just 48 hours. That's a 400% drop.
Sometimes the drop is from the normal 200K to 20K or a dangerous drop of 1,000%.
Can you imagine rapid descents of 400% to 1,000% from normal levels?
Without intervention, how dangerous is dengue?
How dangerous?
Here is a partial list of dengue tragedies.
First, get on overview of how the ADSX Solution works by reading the instructions on the label of the bottle.
The instructions on the label is a good summary of how to administer the ADSX and what effects are to be expected and in what duration to expect them to happen.
Read the instructions carefully as this gives you an idea of the quality, the quantity, the predictability of the workings and results of the ADSX Solution.
Notice that if you can find a persistent, consistent, predictable, replicable, reproducible reactions and results, as written on the instruction on the label, does this not qualify as a definition of a "cure?"
Phase 2: Stabilization Period or WBC Period (Platelet is stagnant but WBC is rising)
Phase 3: Recovery (Platelet Upward Trend)
What is the implication of this statement? While it is not an iron-clad guarantee, it does show a pattern of assurance. A 48-hour assurance of the effectiveness of the ADSX Solution. Again, legally, we cannot claim a guarantee, but from one person to another, such assurance is based on observations from the case histories.
Is the patient's dramatic reverse-trending upward response upon taking the ADSX Solution a mere "coincidence?"
If the "effect" of the ADSX Solution, is a mere "coincidence," then how come the pattern of response is the same or similar for every patient?
How come the patient response is persistent?
How come the patient response is consistent?
How come the patient response is predictable?
How come the patient response is is replicable?
How come the patient response is reproducible?
If this is a mere coincidence, then how come the doctors do not have the same "coincidence?"
We are not here to convince you. You decide.
We have a dengue patient. Where can we buy or how do we obtain the ADSX Solution?
The ADSX Solution is not a commercial product. It is not available in the stores or pharmacies. The ADSX Solution is by referral only.
In the first place, you should give your doctor all the chances to cure your patient. After all, that's the millions of doctors in the world are supposed to be doing.
Actually, the ADSX Solution is made to order. It is only made upon request by a patient's representatives. This is not a commercial product. And it cannot be stocked in inventory for a long time. It has a short shelf life because it contains no preservatives.
At any rate, we are not publishing here our cellphone number. But if you are really in urgent need, try to contact us by email adsxsolutionNOSPAM@gmail.com
We are in the province, how do we obtain the ADSX Solution?
There are two ways we have tried so far.
1. In our cases, so far, we have sent the ADSX Solution bottles via courier (such as LBC) which usually arrvies in 24 hours. Provincial deliveries are originated by a referral from a previous patient.
2. Airport to airport package. In this case, we go to the airport and have it shipped on a particular flight as a cargo, and then arrives in the destination airport one hour later where you pick it up yourself. The cost is not really expensive. It involves the cost of round trip taxi fare to and from the airport, and the cost of plane cargo shipping itself which ranges from P300 to P500 shipping fee.
What is the shelf life of the ADSX Solution?
The ADSX solution contains no preservatives. It has a very low shelf life. While it has been known to be effective after a month, we do not recommend stocking that long.Why? Because dengue is such a treacherous disease. With HIV you can live for 5 years, with dengue you can die in 5 days. That's how dangerous dengue is.
We recommend ADSX to be stocked up to a week. But then, in the face of the fatal virus like dengue why take a risk? We recommend that ADSX be made according to the order of the patient. Freshly made. Why gamble with your child's life unnecessarily?
What can you say about "mangagaw", apple tonic, papaya juice etc?
Since I don't use mangagaw, apple tonic, papaya juice etc. I cannot really comment on them.
All I can say is, if these substances work for you, then good.
Now I have a question: Picture a patient with 7K platelet, in the ICU, gums bleeding, dark blotches of skin over entire body, nose bleeding, vomiting blood, internal bleeding, too weak to speak, the doctor doesn't have any medicine to give, parents crying inside because they fear the child is about to die, what would you give to that child, and what assurance would you give to that child?
Are you going to go to the parents and say, "Take this apple tonic and she will be stop bleeding within four hours?"
Are you going to say, "Take this mangagaw and she will not die in the next four hours?"
Are you going to say, "Take this papaya juice and your will be out ICU in 24 hours?"
As you may have already read somewhere in this blog, we had such a case, and the ADSX worked like a charm.
As you will read in the other case histories, one of the first things we ask of our patients (their parents or guardian is: "What have you given the child so far?"
In many cases, they say mangagaw, or apple tonic, some even papaya juice, and some even all of the above and the other alternative medicines they have googled in the internet.
Yes, there was a case wherein I counted about five substances or herbals they used on a 2 year old child.
Then we ask the question: "Then how come the platelet of the child has gone to down to a very low of 40?"
Again, read the case histories, where they used any of the above herbals.
Now, you might be asking: Are you telling people not to use mangagaw or apple tonic or papaya juice etc?
The answer is, No, We are not telling people to stop using it. These herbals are probably better than the paracetamol given by the doctors.
In other words, by all means, use them if you have testimonies from your actual cases (friends or family) who have been benefited by them.
But when it comes to serious cases, do you have any evidence or testimony that those are powerful enough for an ICU case? If you have, then go ahead, use them.
We can imagine that these herbals mentioned above are useful. The question that's still to be answered: Are they that powerful for serious cases?
By the way, upon meeting our patient we advise them in this way: You may continue to use your mangagaw or whatever juice, but since you are using the ADSX Solution, we feel that you don't have to.
I think most of our patients followed our suggestion and used only the ADSX Solution.
But it all depends on you.
What is the most dramatic case of dengue recovery so far using the ADSX Solution?
Ans: It has to be the case of the 7K platelet count. Read the full story somewhere in this website. This is the so-called "miracle case."
(. . . come back here for updated FAQ; also please find the "Instructions" on how to administer the ADSX solution elsewhere on this blog so that you will have an idea of how it works.)
Before giving the solution, as is the practice, we explained what to expect, what the patient response would be, and when these effects are to be expected.
Repeating this info over and over again to each patient's family, somehow is inconvenient.
For the educated patients, we refer them to the FAQ and Instructions on this website.
For the uneducated, we still do the time-consuming one-hour explanation.
At any rate. the patient's representatives are met face to face, except for the out of town patients.
While this solution has been "invented" sometime in 2007, and came to be used regularly in 2010, we did not keep a repository of information like this website.
However, in the first week of August 2012, a tragedy happened that caused us to make these information about our experiences available.
In the first week of August 2012, a patient who already had a platelet transfusion, was scheduled to check out of the hospital, but rapidly deteriorated in condition, and died.
This was unthinkable. This occurred very recently, in a private hospital, in a world-class hospital accredited by world accrediting body, with world-class doctors, with world-class equipment facilities, with the last medical protocol on how to deal with dengue.
Why did the patient die?
Why were we affected so much by the tragedy? Because it was so close to home.
In contrast, during the same week, a few rooms away from the patient who died, in the very same world-class hospital, in the same week, another child with dengue was safely out in a few days.
What is the difference between the two patients? The Grade 7 Ateneo girl who survived safely took the ADSX Solution.
Is this cause and effect? It is up to you to judge. The mother of the surviving child herself told us about the death of the child in the other room.
And this mother texted: "Thank you so much for knowing you. Your dengue solution really a big miracle for my daughter."
Then just two weeks later, in the third week of August, another tragedy happened.
In another private hospital, another child died of dengue. This was a hospital whose college regularly has topnotchers in the medical board every time. Why did this patient die?
Who told us of this second tragedy? An employee of the hospital itself who happened to be on his day off the child was admitted as a transferee from a government hospital. Had he been present he would have referred the child to us.
Could we have saved that child? Maybe, or maybe not.
Which would you rather be: The mother of the child who died, or the mother of the child who survived? Same world-class hospital, same week, just a few rooms from each other.
Would you rather be the mother who had prior information about the ADSX Solution or the mother who did not know about it.?
As you read the information in this website, think of this. Should I tell or should I not tell, my relatives about this information before their children have dengue?
As your read the case histories, try to analyze the charts. Don't they look similar? Is there pattern? Is this pattern a mere coincidence or this is patter a result of a cause-and-effect.?
If the "effect" of the ADSX Solution, is a mere "coincidence," then:
How come the pattern of response is the same or similar for every patient?
How come the patient response is persistent?
How come the patient response is consistent?
How come the patient response is predictable?
How come the patient response is replicable?
How come the patient response is reproducible?
If this is a mere coincidence, then how come the doctors do not have the same "coincidence?"
We are not here to convince you. You decide.
If we can provide a pattern to expect, and this is observed in almost 100 cases, with different patients, with different initial platelet counts at the time the ADSX Solution is administered, then such pattern of predictability and expectation is no longer due to chance but due to real cause-and-effect.
Even if you mathematically apply the chi-square test of variance analysis in statistics, the cause-and-effect relationship is established.
Notice that if you can find persistent, consistent, predictable, replicable, reproducible reactions and results, as a whole, does this not qualify as a definition of a "cure?"
We ask the question, you provide the answer
What is the ADSX Solution?
It is a solution taken as a drink that has helped many dengue patients so far.
Why is it named ADSX Solution?
This is just an unofficial name. This solution has been used for a few years without any name but then it became cumbersome to refer to an unnamed item. Thus, temporarily, we call this the ADSX Solution.
Is the ADSX Solution a vaccine?
No. ADSX Solution is not a vaccine. Yet it helps the patient in a different way. It is a solution or a mixture.
Remember that a vaccine is a biological preparation. Vaccines are controversial because most of them have side effects. So far, there is no vaccine yet against the dengue virus. But the medical researchers are testing some probable vaccines.
To repeat, the ADSX Solution is not a vaccine. And vaccines are not necessarily safe. Be forewarned especially for experimental vaccines.
What makes ADSX Solution different from any "experimental vaccine" being developed by large pharmaceutical firms or by the WHO and US CDC?
The difference is in the strategy.
The strategy taken by the WHO, CDC, and multi-national pharma firms is the "vaccine" strategy.
Let us ask the question: Why is it that the solution to dengue has to be a "vaccine?"
Remember that in layman's terms the vaccine strategy is developing a virus to kill another virus. It's like creating a warrior to kill another warrior.
But how do we know that the vaccine strategy is the correct strategy? And why is it that the "vaccine" mentality seems to be the favorite default strategy of the medical researchers world wide?
What if that vaccine actually creates another problem or another disease?
Has it ever occurred to the medical scientists that maybe the vaccine mentality is the wrong strategy? Vaccine for HIV, vaccine for H5N1, vaccine for dengue? Does the cure have to be this complicated?
On the other hand, the strategy followed by the ADSX Solution is different. We may call it the "environmental strategy." Under what environment does the dengue flourish? Then we address that environmental issue.
Therefore, the ADSX is not a biological solution, and consequently, it does not contain micro-organisms, microbes, bacteria, or other vaccine-type organisms.
Is the ADSX Solution a cure for dengue?
The short-cut answer is the so-called "miracle case."
In the meantime, read on.
The World Health Organization says there is "no cure for dengue."
And that sentence summarizes the state of the medical research in the entire planet.
We have sent man to moon about 40 years ago, but we cannot cure dengue.
Is ADSX a cure for dengue?
Let us answer that question this way.
We cannot engage in a semantic debate. What is meant by a "cure?"
How much research money needs to be spent in medical trials world-wide in order to categorize something as a cure?
In the medical world today, the word "cure" means "money" invested in clinical trials.
We cannot therefore as yet call it a cure for dengue.
But then, if your child is in the intensive care unit, vomiting blood, bleeding in the gums, and bleeding through the nose, and the platelet count is only 7k, looking so pale with patches of dark spots throughout the body, and the doctors have nothing to give in terms of cure, what would be your feelings at that very moment?
Would you still be interested to debate on the semantics of what is a "cure?"
And when faced with that decision, at that moment, are you going to say, we cannot drink the ADSX because it is not a "cure?"
Rina Melan, the patient with the 7K drank ADSX solution which arrived by LBC courier, and within a few hours improved (read her case history somewhere in this blog), and checked-out of the hospital, as if nothing, happened.
Was she "cured?" She is alive. She doesn't need to debate. She's 22 years old. And her doctor even asked what was that bottle that she drank.
And if you are given the same situation, what would your decision be? To drink or not to drink?
To repeat the question: Is ADSX a cure for dengue?
Answer: Ask the almost 200 documented patients who have first hand experience in using it. And in reading the case histories that are being gradually uploaded here, if you can find a persistent, consistent, predictable, replicable, reproducible reactions and results, then does this not qualify as a definition of a "cure?"
You decide.
What are the ingredients of the ADSX Solution?
Sorry, this is kept a secret, and so is the process of making it. But for the curious, the ADSX doesn't contain the popular "mangagaw" and the now trending "papaya juice."
How effective is the ADSX Solution?
For a short-cut, please read the so-called "miracle case."
We are not competing in the Olympic Games of Effectiveness.
The best way gauge if this is effective is to go through the case histories. Since the ADSX has been only available by referral, usually, the family of a recovering patient is the source of the testimony of effectiveness.
If you have almost 300 case histories and happy families, is this enough for you as proof of effectiveness?
If you can find a persistent, consistent, predictable, replicable, reproducible reactions and results, then does this not qualify as a definition of a "cure?"
In a separate article, I will explain why. But for now, here is the basic difference.
With the other "medicines", some people plucked out some grass or herb or plant and experimented whether it worked on their patient. This the process why some people use "mangagaw." Someone took the leaves and roots of "mangagaw" and gave it to the patient who got well. (Some got well, some didn't, is this a game of chance?)
On one hand, with ADSX, the process was opposite. The inventors identified what factors or substances or characteristics of the "solution" that was needed to kill the dengue virus. Having identified those characteristics, the inventor sought those from existing natural sources. Then he gathered those sources and made the solution which we now call the ADSX solution.
In short, the usual method is to pluck out some plant and hope it works, while on the other hand, the method for the ADSX was to identify the desirable characteristics of the anti-dengue solution and the inventor sourced it using backward integration.
The ADSX Solution, therefore, is not a result of a blind experimentation.
The ingredients were sought out as a result of the process of deduction: which minerals, elements, herbs, and plants possess the desirable characteristics of an anti-dengue cure?
And finding the right mixing proportions as well. That's another secret.
What are the characteristics of an ideal anti-dengue cure that helped the inventor come out with the ADSX solution?
That's a secret.
It was this process of thinking that inspired the inventor to come up with the ADSX solution.
Without the intervention of the ADSX Solution, what usually happens to the patient?
If you noticed, the moment you entered the hospital the platelet count drops rapidly in almost a free-fall off a cliff.
This is the free-fall that is very scary because it is at this time that you realize that the entire medical intelligence in this planet has no cure for dengue, and your doctors says so: "There is no cure for dengue."
Frequently, the doctors will just say, "monitor and observe." Monitor for what? Monitor until such moment when they tell you that you need to find a platelet donor?
That's the scary part. Your child will be given a "drip/dextrose" and probably some paracetamol.
A dangerous virus that rapidly kills in a few days and the solution is "monitor" and "paracetamol?"
Look at the case histories in this blog. It is common to see a drop from a normal platelet count of 200K to 50K in just 48 hours. That's a 400% drop.
Sometimes the drop is from the normal 200K to 20K or a dangerous drop of 1,000%.
Can you imagine rapid descents of 400% to 1,000% from normal levels?
Without intervention, how dangerous is dengue?
How dangerous?
Here is a partial list of dengue tragedies.
When taking the ADSX Solution, what should we expect to happen?
The instructions on the label is a good summary of how to administer the ADSX and what effects are to be expected and in what duration to expect them to happen.
Read the instructions carefully as this gives you an idea of the quality, the quantity, the predictability of the workings and results of the ADSX Solution.
Notice that if you can find a persistent, consistent, predictable, replicable, reproducible reactions and results, as written on the instruction on the label, does this not qualify as a definition of a "cure?"
What are the phases or zones or periods of action by the ADSX Solution?
Phase 1: Slowdown of the descent of platelet countPhase 2: Stabilization Period or WBC Period (Platelet is stagnant but WBC is rising)
Phase 3: Recovery (Platelet Upward Trend)
Specifically, what do we expect to observe after taking the ADSX Solution?
First, if we can provide a pattern to expect, and this is observed in almost 300 cases, with different patients, with different initial platelet counts at the time the ADSX Solution is administered, then such pattern of predictability and expectation is no longer due to chance but due to real cause and effect.
Even if you mathematically apply the chi-square test of variance analysis in statistics, the cause and effect relationship is established.
Notice that if you can find a persistent, consistent, predictable, replicable, reproducible reactions and results, as written on the instruction on the label, does this not qualify as a definition of a "cure?"
Here is an overview of the what to expect:
If you noticed, the moment you entered the hospital the platelet count drops rapidly in almost a free-fall off a cliff.
This is the free-fall that is very scary because it is at this time that you realize that the entire medical intelligence in this planet has no cure for dengue, and your doctors say so.
Frequently, the doctors will just say, "monitor and observe." Monitor for what? Monitor until such moment when they tell you that you need to find a platelet donor?
That's the scary part. Your child will be given a "drip" or "dextrose" and probably some paracetamol.
A dangerous virus that rapidly kills in a few days and the solution is "monitor" and "paracetamol?"
Look at the case histories in this blog. It is common to see a drop from a normal platelet count of 200K to 50K in just 48 hours. That's a 400% drop.
Sometimes the drop is from the normal 200K to 20K or a drop of 1,000%.
Can you imagine rapid descents of 400% to 1,000% from normal levels?
So what can you expect upon taking ADSX Solution?
1. Upon taking the ADSX solution, within the first three hours you will notice the following:
2. While still taking the ADSX Solution, in the next platelet count, usually, the patient's platelet count will start to rise.
3. However, in some cases, the platelet count will still go down in the next count, but the drop in the count will be arrested and stabilized. (Pls see the charts in each case history to observe this effect). Why does the platelet count still go down even after the patient has started taking the ADSX? It's because it will still take some time for the ADSX to circulate in the bloodstream. And if the Dengue has been ferocious at the time the ADSX is taken, it will take some time to slow down the dengue (just like stopping a speeding car). Again, in most cases, the platelet count immediately goes up while ADSX is being taken.
4. In the next 12 hours since the patient started taking ADSX, the patient will feel generally okay. For example, even on grandparent said that "her grandchild with ADSX was active with only 30K platelet count compared to other patients with 80k without ADSX."
5. Sometimes, the platelet will go down after it has gone up. But this drop is very minor, and it is just stabilization. It's like boxing round 1 and round 2. At any rate this is not a cause for alarm. This is called the "region of stabilization" or "period of stabilization" (See charts)
During the stabilization period, the platelet is stagnant but the WBC is rising. That's why we call this stabilization period, the WBC period.
6. Then, usually, within 48 hours, after the ADSX bottles are fully consumed, the patient is charged. Can any doctor give you a 48-hour "assurance" or "guarantee?"
7. In many cases, the recovery period is only 24 hours. (See charts showing the 24-hour recovery)
8. This pattern is being repeated for all patients in our cases. Is this coincidence or "cause and effect?"
What is the U-shaped recovery?
The shape of the platelet count when plotted on a graph looks like letter V or letter U.
What should you note in the graph is that without the ADSX intervention, there is a rapid drop in platelet count happening in a very short period of time, usually in just a matter of 24 hours.
Then at the time the ADSX is introduced, the platelet count pauses to a certain level. At this time the ADSX is working, usually within 6 to 12 hours.
Then after that, the platelet count starts to reverse, from a rapid negative trend to a gradually but positive trend. Remember, the platelet would have gone up without the ADSX solution. That's how we know it is working.
Look at his actual graph of girl's recovery chart taken in the middle of August 2012.
What can we notice in the graph?
1. From 255K to 46K is a 554% rapid and scary drop that the doctors were unable to prevent. If you wre the mother of the patient how would you feel?
From 255 to 172 is a 148% drop in just a matter of a 8 hours (overnight).
From 255 to 132 is a 193% drop in just a matter for less than 24 hours.
From 255 to 57 is a 447% drop in just a matter of about 36 hours.
From 255 to 46 is a drop of 554% in just a matter of about 48 hours.
2. Without ADSX intervention, the drop could have gone to 25 or 20, or even 10K, at which stage, the doctors would recommend a platelet transfusion.
3. However, in this case, the patient started taking the ADSX Solution right after the 57K count. You may notice that instead of rapid drop of 447%, in just a matter of about 12 hours, the ADSX contained the drop from 57 to only 46 or a drop of 24%.
4. And then, a dramatic thing happens. Without the ADSX intervention, the drop was rapid from 255 to 57 (a drop of 447% in about 36 hours). After the first dosage of the ADSX, in just 12 hours, the platelet count dramatically reversed the count from a descending negative trend of 46 to an upward positive trend of 66, an immediate reversal and increase of 43%.
5. Notice that the shift from negative trend to positive trend is not due to chance. It is due to a force of intervention. In fact, if you go through the entire catalog of case histories over the years, the same effect is observed. This is not "coincidence" anymore. This is "cause and effect."
6. Notice that if you can find a persistent, consistent, predictable, replicable, reproducible reactions and results, as written on the instruction on the label, does this not qualify as a definition of a "cure?"
7. Then from 46 to 66 to 77 is an cumulative increase of 67%. At this stage, within the 48-hour window, the patient is ready to be discharged. Why? Well, why not? The doctor is not going to give him any medicine anyway. So why stay longer in the hospital? Then, the doctor has been unable to prevent a 554% platelet drop anyway, so what else can he do? In other words, it is so obvious that the ADSX is working and is the cause responsible for the reversal in the trend of the platelet count. Therefore, there is nothing more to do at the hospital. Hence, the patient is ready to check out at this time.
8. Notice that we have hit the 48-hour target. If you go through all the other case histories, you will realize that this 48-hour target has been achieved.
9. Then from 46 to 66 to 77 to 122 is a dramatic 265% increase. Is this coincidence? Maybe for a single patient. But if this is repeated for 100 case histories, what can we conclude?
10. Besides, if the doctors have power to reverse the trend then why didn't they reverse the trend in the first 12 hours or 24 hours since the patient was admitted to the hospital? And if they had the power to reverse the trend, then what is the weapon they are supposed to use? Paracetamol?
11. For this particular patient, the doctor did an overkill and released the patient only after the count has reached 218. As if, it was the "drip/dextrose" or the "paracetamol" that did it.
12. By the way, this particular patient also had pneumonia. Were it not for this complication, the patient would have reacted positively faster to the ADSX Solution.
13. Another note, when I gave the ADSX to the mother, I suggested to her not to use or to stop any Apple tonic, or mangagaw she had been using if any.
14. This recovery pattern has been repeated over and over again. Is it still coincidence.
15. Question: If you have a patient in ICU, bleeding, with blood coming out of the note and the gums, are you going to stand there helpless or are you going to try the ADSX solution?
After taking the ADSX Solution, the patient's platelet has gone up, but in the next platelet count reading it has gone down. What is happening?
First, you must make a distinction between the decrease in platelet counts before using the ADSX and after using it.
Go over the case histories in this website. Or if you have a relatives who had dengue before ask them about the platelet history.
This is called the stabilization period. During the stabilization period, the platelet is stagnant but the WBC is rising. That's why we call this stabilization period, the WBC period.
Take the case of mult-millionaire patient RA.
Before ADSX:
Platelet count dropped from 159 to 120 to 58 to 50 to 47 to 27. This is a scary rapid descent in just a matter of 3 days. Is that a 588% drop?
If the doctors had a weapon against dengue, then why did they allow such a rapid descent in the platelet count?
The platelet history before the ADSX intervention shows a very rapid scary descent from a high platelet count to a very low platelet count not stopped or prevented by the doctors.
After ADSX:
In the case of patient RA, the ADSX was half-bottle at the time the platelet count was 47 (about 9 pm). Then a few hours later, at dawn around 4am, the platelet continued to go down to 27.
However, 9 am, just 12 hours after drinking half-bottle of the ADSX, the platelet count dramatically went up from from 27 to 33.
What is the implication of this rise from 27 to 33?
Recall what was the platelet movement before the ADSX. From 159 to 120 is 24.5%. From 150 to 58 is 61%. In absolute terms, from 150 to 58 is a drop of 92K. From 159 to 27 is a drop of 132K.
Yet, after the ADSX was introduced, it rose from 27 (4am) to 33 (at 9am).
Is this coincidence? It's up to you to decide.
Is this an isolated case? No. This is the pattern for almost 100 case histories over a few years.
Notice that from 27 (at 4am) to 33 (9am) the platelet went down again to 30. But remember it is just a drop of 3K. It's not a drop of 132K as experienced before the ADSX was introduced.
This drop is expected because the ADSX was just introduced a few hours before and is working against the deadly fatal dengue virus.
Usually, after the minor drop, the platelet goes up directly until the patient is discharged.
In almost 85% of the cases, the platelet does not dip but goes directly trending upward.
In the very unusual case of the Patient RA, there were two or three dips. Although when we compare platelet history notice that in the case of RA the counts were taken 3 times daily while in other patients only 2x or even once daily.
To summarize, a platelet rise, followed by a very small minor dip by 1k or 2k is part of the normal characteristics of the ADSX Solution in action.
What is the so-called "stabilization period" or "region of stabilization?"
What is the 48-hour window?
As part of the consistency and predictability of the cause and effect relationship of the intervention caused by the ADSX Solution, in the instructions on the label of the bottle reads like this.
Usually, the person will be ready for check-out of the hospital 48 hours after consuming all the “A.D.S.X. Solution.”
First, if we can provide a pattern to expect, and this is observed in almost 300 cases, with different patients, with different initial platelet counts at the time the ADSX Solution is administered, then such pattern of predictability and expectation is no longer due to chance but due to real cause and effect.
Even if you mathematically apply the chi-square test of variance analysis in statistics, the cause and effect relationship is established.
Notice that if you can find a persistent, consistent, predictable, replicable, reproducible reactions and results, as written on the instruction on the label, does this not qualify as a definition of a "cure?"
Here is an overview of the what to expect:
If you noticed, the moment you entered the hospital the platelet count drops rapidly in almost a free-fall off a cliff.
This is the free-fall that is very scary because it is at this time that you realize that the entire medical intelligence in this planet has no cure for dengue, and your doctors say so.
Frequently, the doctors will just say, "monitor and observe." Monitor for what? Monitor until such moment when they tell you that you need to find a platelet donor?
That's the scary part. Your child will be given a "drip" or "dextrose" and probably some paracetamol.
A dangerous virus that rapidly kills in a few days and the solution is "monitor" and "paracetamol?"
Look at the case histories in this blog. It is common to see a drop from a normal platelet count of 200K to 50K in just 48 hours. That's a 400% drop.
Sometimes the drop is from the normal 200K to 20K or a drop of 1,000%.
Can you imagine rapid descents of 400% to 1,000% from normal levels?
So what can you expect upon taking ADSX Solution?
1. Upon taking the ADSX solution, within the first three hours you will notice the following:
- the patient might feel sleepy because of the soothing effect of the ADSX fighting the dengue virus
- the patient may sweat
- the patient's fever will subside
- the patient will urinate often
- the patient will be active and starts talking with energy
- the patient will generally feel an improvement in his or her physical condition
- the patient's pale color will start becoming pink
- the patient's lips will start becoming pink
- the patient's appetite will increase and he or she will start asking for food
- rashes will come out, and the patient's skin will become red (this is normal, don't worry)
2. While still taking the ADSX Solution, in the next platelet count, usually, the patient's platelet count will start to rise.
3. However, in some cases, the platelet count will still go down in the next count, but the drop in the count will be arrested and stabilized. (Pls see the charts in each case history to observe this effect). Why does the platelet count still go down even after the patient has started taking the ADSX? It's because it will still take some time for the ADSX to circulate in the bloodstream. And if the Dengue has been ferocious at the time the ADSX is taken, it will take some time to slow down the dengue (just like stopping a speeding car). Again, in most cases, the platelet count immediately goes up while ADSX is being taken.
4. In the next 12 hours since the patient started taking ADSX, the patient will feel generally okay. For example, even on grandparent said that "her grandchild with ADSX was active with only 30K platelet count compared to other patients with 80k without ADSX."
5. Sometimes, the platelet will go down after it has gone up. But this drop is very minor, and it is just stabilization. It's like boxing round 1 and round 2. At any rate this is not a cause for alarm. This is called the "region of stabilization" or "period of stabilization" (See charts)
During the stabilization period, the platelet is stagnant but the WBC is rising. That's why we call this stabilization period, the WBC period.
6. Then, usually, within 48 hours, after the ADSX bottles are fully consumed, the patient is charged. Can any doctor give you a 48-hour "assurance" or "guarantee?"
7. In many cases, the recovery period is only 24 hours. (See charts showing the 24-hour recovery)
8. This pattern is being repeated for all patients in our cases. Is this coincidence or "cause and effect?"
What is the U-shaped recovery?
The shape of the platelet count when plotted on a graph looks like letter V or letter U.
What should you note in the graph is that without the ADSX intervention, there is a rapid drop in platelet count happening in a very short period of time, usually in just a matter of 24 hours.
Then at the time the ADSX is introduced, the platelet count pauses to a certain level. At this time the ADSX is working, usually within 6 to 12 hours.
Then after that, the platelet count starts to reverse, from a rapid negative trend to a gradually but positive trend. Remember, the platelet would have gone up without the ADSX solution. That's how we know it is working.
Look at his actual graph of girl's recovery chart taken in the middle of August 2012.
What can we notice in the graph?
1. From 255K to 46K is a 554% rapid and scary drop that the doctors were unable to prevent. If you wre the mother of the patient how would you feel?
From 255 to 172 is a 148% drop in just a matter of a 8 hours (overnight).
From 255 to 132 is a 193% drop in just a matter for less than 24 hours.
From 255 to 57 is a 447% drop in just a matter of about 36 hours.
From 255 to 46 is a drop of 554% in just a matter of about 48 hours.
2. Without ADSX intervention, the drop could have gone to 25 or 20, or even 10K, at which stage, the doctors would recommend a platelet transfusion.
3. However, in this case, the patient started taking the ADSX Solution right after the 57K count. You may notice that instead of rapid drop of 447%, in just a matter of about 12 hours, the ADSX contained the drop from 57 to only 46 or a drop of 24%.
4. And then, a dramatic thing happens. Without the ADSX intervention, the drop was rapid from 255 to 57 (a drop of 447% in about 36 hours). After the first dosage of the ADSX, in just 12 hours, the platelet count dramatically reversed the count from a descending negative trend of 46 to an upward positive trend of 66, an immediate reversal and increase of 43%.
5. Notice that the shift from negative trend to positive trend is not due to chance. It is due to a force of intervention. In fact, if you go through the entire catalog of case histories over the years, the same effect is observed. This is not "coincidence" anymore. This is "cause and effect."
6. Notice that if you can find a persistent, consistent, predictable, replicable, reproducible reactions and results, as written on the instruction on the label, does this not qualify as a definition of a "cure?"
7. Then from 46 to 66 to 77 is an cumulative increase of 67%. At this stage, within the 48-hour window, the patient is ready to be discharged. Why? Well, why not? The doctor is not going to give him any medicine anyway. So why stay longer in the hospital? Then, the doctor has been unable to prevent a 554% platelet drop anyway, so what else can he do? In other words, it is so obvious that the ADSX is working and is the cause responsible for the reversal in the trend of the platelet count. Therefore, there is nothing more to do at the hospital. Hence, the patient is ready to check out at this time.
8. Notice that we have hit the 48-hour target. If you go through all the other case histories, you will realize that this 48-hour target has been achieved.
9. Then from 46 to 66 to 77 to 122 is a dramatic 265% increase. Is this coincidence? Maybe for a single patient. But if this is repeated for 100 case histories, what can we conclude?
10. Besides, if the doctors have power to reverse the trend then why didn't they reverse the trend in the first 12 hours or 24 hours since the patient was admitted to the hospital? And if they had the power to reverse the trend, then what is the weapon they are supposed to use? Paracetamol?
11. For this particular patient, the doctor did an overkill and released the patient only after the count has reached 218. As if, it was the "drip/dextrose" or the "paracetamol" that did it.
12. By the way, this particular patient also had pneumonia. Were it not for this complication, the patient would have reacted positively faster to the ADSX Solution.
13. Another note, when I gave the ADSX to the mother, I suggested to her not to use or to stop any Apple tonic, or mangagaw she had been using if any.
14. This recovery pattern has been repeated over and over again. Is it still coincidence.
15. Question: If you have a patient in ICU, bleeding, with blood coming out of the note and the gums, are you going to stand there helpless or are you going to try the ADSX solution?
After taking the ADSX Solution, the patient's platelet has gone up, but in the next platelet count reading it has gone down. What is happening?
First, you must make a distinction between the decrease in platelet counts before using the ADSX and after using it.
Go over the case histories in this website. Or if you have a relatives who had dengue before ask them about the platelet history.
This is called the stabilization period. During the stabilization period, the platelet is stagnant but the WBC is rising. That's why we call this stabilization period, the WBC period.
Take the case of mult-millionaire patient RA.
Before ADSX:
Platelet count dropped from 159 to 120 to 58 to 50 to 47 to 27. This is a scary rapid descent in just a matter of 3 days. Is that a 588% drop?
If the doctors had a weapon against dengue, then why did they allow such a rapid descent in the platelet count?
The platelet history before the ADSX intervention shows a very rapid scary descent from a high platelet count to a very low platelet count not stopped or prevented by the doctors.
After ADSX:
In the case of patient RA, the ADSX was half-bottle at the time the platelet count was 47 (about 9 pm). Then a few hours later, at dawn around 4am, the platelet continued to go down to 27.
However, 9 am, just 12 hours after drinking half-bottle of the ADSX, the platelet count dramatically went up from from 27 to 33.
What is the implication of this rise from 27 to 33?
Recall what was the platelet movement before the ADSX. From 159 to 120 is 24.5%. From 150 to 58 is 61%. In absolute terms, from 150 to 58 is a drop of 92K. From 159 to 27 is a drop of 132K.
Yet, after the ADSX was introduced, it rose from 27 (4am) to 33 (at 9am).
Is this coincidence? It's up to you to decide.
Is this an isolated case? No. This is the pattern for almost 100 case histories over a few years.
Notice that from 27 (at 4am) to 33 (9am) the platelet went down again to 30. But remember it is just a drop of 3K. It's not a drop of 132K as experienced before the ADSX was introduced.
This drop is expected because the ADSX was just introduced a few hours before and is working against the deadly fatal dengue virus.
Usually, after the minor drop, the platelet goes up directly until the patient is discharged.
In almost 85% of the cases, the platelet does not dip but goes directly trending upward.
In the very unusual case of the Patient RA, there were two or three dips. Although when we compare platelet history notice that in the case of RA the counts were taken 3 times daily while in other patients only 2x or even once daily.
To summarize, a platelet rise, followed by a very small minor dip by 1k or 2k is part of the normal characteristics of the ADSX Solution in action.
What is the so-called "stabilization period" or "region of stabilization?"
The so-called stabilization period is the interval of time during which the ADSX is starting to work and trying to overcome the effects of the dengue virus.
This is called the stabilization period. During the stabilization period, the platelet is stagnant but the WBC is rising. That's why we call this stabilization period, the WBC period.
During this period, the platelet count will reverse from downward trend to upward then stabilizing around this level. For example, the count is 27, then it goes up to 33 but down to 30, then up again to 33.
This oscillation around a certain level is what is called the "stabilization period."
This usually occurs within the first 24 hours of taking the ADSX solution. After that, the platelet count goes up very fast.
Also note, that usually, within 48 hours after entire consuming the ADSX, the patient has fully recovered.
This stabilization period containing minor drops in platelet count (up and down) is to be expected.
Again, in many case, the platelet goes up directly fast without experiencing a minor dip.
This is called the stabilization period. During the stabilization period, the platelet is stagnant but the WBC is rising. That's why we call this stabilization period, the WBC period.
During this period, the platelet count will reverse from downward trend to upward then stabilizing around this level. For example, the count is 27, then it goes up to 33 but down to 30, then up again to 33.
This oscillation around a certain level is what is called the "stabilization period."
This usually occurs within the first 24 hours of taking the ADSX solution. After that, the platelet count goes up very fast.
Also note, that usually, within 48 hours after entire consuming the ADSX, the patient has fully recovered.
This stabilization period containing minor drops in platelet count (up and down) is to be expected.
Again, in many case, the platelet goes up directly fast without experiencing a minor dip.
What is the 48-hour window?
As part of the consistency and predictability of the cause and effect relationship of the intervention caused by the ADSX Solution, in the instructions on the label of the bottle reads like this.
What is the implication of this statement? While it is not an iron-clad guarantee, it does show a pattern of assurance. A 48-hour assurance of the effectiveness of the ADSX Solution. Again, legally, we cannot claim a guarantee, but from one person to another, such assurance is based on observations from the case histories.
Look at the case histories again, and notice if the 48-hour window has been achieved.
For example, if the patient starts taking the first dosage on a Friday night, the second dosage on Saturday night, then usually the patient achieves recovery by Monday night about 48 hours from last dosage.
In fact, a huge number of cases would have full recovery even as early as Sunday night, or 24 hours from the second dosage.
But since the hospitals will not allow to you check out at night, then usually the patient checks out on the next day noontime. (You have to pay additional for the overnight stay.)
By "recovery," means all the signs show positive effects such as:
No more fever.
No need for platelet transfusion.
Appetite returns.
Child is active and talkative.
Cheeks no longer pale but pink and healthy.
More urination.
Rising platelet count.
No more nosebleeds
No more bleeding gums.
Whether 24 hours from second dosage, or 48 hours, the question is: Can your doctor give you even such an informal assurance that your child will recover in 24 hours or 48 hours after he starts taking care of the patient's case?
Look at the platelet history of the patients case histories in this blog. Is the pattern predictable?
Is the patient's dramatic reverse-trending upward response upon taking the ADSX Solution a mere "coincidence?"
If the "effect" of the ADSX Solution, is a mere "coincidence," then how come the pattern of response is the same or similar for every patient?
How come the patient response is persistent?
How come the patient response is consistent?
How come the patient response is predictable?
How come the patient response is is replicable?
How come the patient response is reproducible?
If this is a mere coincidence, then how come the doctors do not have the same "coincidence?"
We are not here to convince you. You decide.
We have a dengue patient. Where can we buy or how do we obtain the ADSX Solution?
In the first place, you should give your doctor all the chances to cure your patient. After all, that's the millions of doctors in the world are supposed to be doing.
Actually, the ADSX Solution is made to order. It is only made upon request by a patient's representatives. This is not a commercial product. And it cannot be stocked in inventory for a long time. It has a short shelf life because it contains no preservatives.
At any rate, we are not publishing here our cellphone number. But if you are really in urgent need, try to contact us by email adsxsolutionNOSPAM@gmail.com
We are in the province, how do we obtain the ADSX Solution?
There are two ways we have tried so far.
1. In our cases, so far, we have sent the ADSX Solution bottles via courier (such as LBC) which usually arrvies in 24 hours. Provincial deliveries are originated by a referral from a previous patient.
2. Airport to airport package. In this case, we go to the airport and have it shipped on a particular flight as a cargo, and then arrives in the destination airport one hour later where you pick it up yourself. The cost is not really expensive. It involves the cost of round trip taxi fare to and from the airport, and the cost of plane cargo shipping itself which ranges from P300 to P500 shipping fee.
What is the shelf life of the ADSX Solution?
The ADSX solution contains no preservatives. It has a very low shelf life. While it has been known to be effective after a month, we do not recommend stocking that long.Why? Because dengue is such a treacherous disease. With HIV you can live for 5 years, with dengue you can die in 5 days. That's how dangerous dengue is.
We recommend ADSX to be stocked up to a week. But then, in the face of the fatal virus like dengue why take a risk? We recommend that ADSX be made according to the order of the patient. Freshly made. Why gamble with your child's life unnecessarily?
What can you say about "mangagaw", apple tonic, papaya juice etc?
Since I don't use mangagaw, apple tonic, papaya juice etc. I cannot really comment on them.
All I can say is, if these substances work for you, then good.
Now I have a question: Picture a patient with 7K platelet, in the ICU, gums bleeding, dark blotches of skin over entire body, nose bleeding, vomiting blood, internal bleeding, too weak to speak, the doctor doesn't have any medicine to give, parents crying inside because they fear the child is about to die, what would you give to that child, and what assurance would you give to that child?
Are you going to go to the parents and say, "Take this apple tonic and she will be stop bleeding within four hours?"
Are you going to say, "Take this mangagaw and she will not die in the next four hours?"
Are you going to say, "Take this papaya juice and your will be out ICU in 24 hours?"
As you may have already read somewhere in this blog, we had such a case, and the ADSX worked like a charm.
As you will read in the other case histories, one of the first things we ask of our patients (their parents or guardian is: "What have you given the child so far?"
In many cases, they say mangagaw, or apple tonic, some even papaya juice, and some even all of the above and the other alternative medicines they have googled in the internet.
Yes, there was a case wherein I counted about five substances or herbals they used on a 2 year old child.
Then we ask the question: "Then how come the platelet of the child has gone to down to a very low of 40?"
Again, read the case histories, where they used any of the above herbals.
Now, you might be asking: Are you telling people not to use mangagaw or apple tonic or papaya juice etc?
The answer is, No, We are not telling people to stop using it. These herbals are probably better than the paracetamol given by the doctors.
In other words, by all means, use them if you have testimonies from your actual cases (friends or family) who have been benefited by them.
But when it comes to serious cases, do you have any evidence or testimony that those are powerful enough for an ICU case? If you have, then go ahead, use them.
We can imagine that these herbals mentioned above are useful. The question that's still to be answered: Are they that powerful for serious cases?
By the way, upon meeting our patient we advise them in this way: You may continue to use your mangagaw or whatever juice, but since you are using the ADSX Solution, we feel that you don't have to.
I think most of our patients followed our suggestion and used only the ADSX Solution.
But it all depends on you.
What is the most dramatic case of dengue recovery so far using the ADSX Solution?
Ans: It has to be the case of the 7K platelet count. Read the full story somewhere in this website. This is the so-called "miracle case."
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"Miracle Case" |
(. . . come back here for updated FAQ; also please find the "Instructions" on how to administer the ADSX solution elsewhere on this blog so that you will have an idea of how it works.)
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