ADSX Instructions (As written on the bottle)


Before anything else, if the patient has been taking apple tonic, apple juice (brands like Motts), apple fruits, and Gatorade, please stop taking these things.

Based on our research, instead of helping in the fight against dengue, these actually worsen the dengue situation.

How come? Well, we cannot share that secret as yet.

Remember: Drink ADSX and then wait for the recovery. It's that simple

That is, if you can make your child drink it.

The ADSX Solution comes in 500-ml bottles ("mineral water bottles").

The initial delivery consists of 2 bottles.

Additional bottles for the same patient is free (although in over a hundred cases, only about 2 cases needed a third bottle, and that was because the parents wanted to feel comfortable that they are giving more to the patient. The third bottle was unnecessary.)

The first issue is the taste of the ADSX.

With over a 150 cases, we have arrived at this compromise: Buy “powder orange drink” or "ice tea powder" and combine with “A.D.S.X. Solution” to get a good tasting drink. Use the ADSX as the liquid that dissolves the powder drink.

How much powder to use? Depends on taste. You add a little water. But be careful not to dilute the ADSX Solution too much.

The recommended powder is the 1-liter sachet. Use 1/2 of the 1-liter sachet for each bottle of ADSX. No need to add water.

How to administer to a child? Don't forget that by this time the ADSX is already an orange-flavored drink after adding the powdered orange.
Here are options:
1. Drink 1/8 glass each time so that the patient can take it in one gulp. Do not savor the taste.
2.  Use milk bottle.
3. Use medicine dropper.
4. Use straw to drink it like softdrinks
5. Use the pure ADSX as liquid for child's milk formula. This is very effective.
6. In an extreme case, in the 6-month old patient case, it was the mother who drank the ADSX and she in turn breastfed the infant.


In general, we suggest the first bottle be taken within 1 to 2 hours. This is easier said than done because children tend to push away the drink. And have you read here about the 6-month old infant?

The second bottle can be taken in 1/4 or 1/8 bottle servings over the next day.

In many cases, the second bottle is consumed.

In most cases, the second bottle is not needed.

In some cases, even a half-bottle dosage (such those being shared with another patient in the hospital), is known to work.

Within 48 hours after the consuming the 2nd bottle, the patient usually fully recovers. This is some kind of "statistical guarantee." So please allow the ADSX 48 hours before full recovery.

In many of our cases, the patient is discharged within 24 hours after consuming the second bottle.

For ICU cases, contact us.

Dosage by age group
Note: Always consult us before using. The dosage below is general guideline so that you will have an idea of how it is administered but please consult us before taking anything.

For infants, 2 or 1 year old and below:
1. Usually for infants, 1/2 bottle is known to work. One bottle is usually enough for entire stay at hospital.
2. What is dosage? As often as milk feeding. In between feedings, can use ADSX via medicine dropper. At least consume 1/2 bottle in one night.
3. How to administer to infants?
     a. Use the ADSX as the liquid for the infant's milk formula.You may add some sugar to taste.
     b. You can also mix the ADSX with the powder orange juice (don't use entire bottle of ADSX to mix, just maybe 1 glass. Then administer by use of medicine dropper or plastic syringe used as dropper (no needles, of course)

For children 2 to 5 years old
1. Usually 1 to 2 bottles of ADSX for entire hospital stay is enough.
2. What is dosage? Try to consume the first bottle of ADSX is one night or one afternoon.
3. The second bottle for the next day spread out over one morning or one afternoon
4. How to administer?
     a. If still drinking milk, use the ADSX as the liquid for the infant's milk formula.You may add some sugar to taste.
     b. You can also mix the ADSX with the powder orange juice (don't use entire bottle of ADSX to mix, just maybe 1 glass. Then administer by use of medicine dropper or plastic syringe used as dropper (no needles, of course)

For children 5 to 10 years old
1. Same as children 2 to 5 years old. In cases, of extremely low platelet count (50K and below), we recommend drinking the entire bottle in 20 minutes.
2. Then 30-minute break,
3. Then consume the second bottle within next hour

For 10 years old to adults
1. Consume 1 bottle within 1-1 hours immediately.
2. If extremely low platelets (below 50K), consume the two bottles within 1-2 hours.
3. If two bottles taken on first day, then third bottle on the 2nd day, and fouth bottle on the 3rd day.

Label Instructions

These are the instructions written on the bottle sticker label. By reading these instructions you will obtain an idea of how the ADSX works and how the patient's recovery would be like. Pay special attention to item #4 and item #5.

1. The unofficial name of this solution is: “A.D.S.X. Solution.”
 This is not a commercial product. This has been made upon
your request. DO NOT ACCEPT IF SEAL IS BROKEN. Shake well before using.

2.DO NOT give “juices”, “fruits,” or “tonics” of apple, orange and pineapple.

3. DO NOT give Gatorade, Pocari Sweat, Vitamin C tablets and energy drinks.

4. Consume all the “A.D.S.X. Solution” contents as soon as possible
 (within 1-3 hours for one bottle). The sooner, the better.

5. Buy a sachet of “powder orange or ice tea” and combine with
“A.D.S.X. Solution” to get a good tasting drink, no additional water.

(Use 1/2 sachet of orange powder per 1 500-ml bottle of ADSX)

6. After consuming all the “A.D.S.X. Solution,” we still expect platelet
count to go down, this is normal. (Stabilization Region). The count will
go up and maybe down again (don’t panic), but will stabilize around
a certain level. (While platelet is stabilizing, the White Blood Cells (WBC) is rising,)

7. You will notice that prior to using the “A.D.S.X. Solution”
the platelet count had been rapidly dropping. But after drinking,
while it may still drop down, the drop is no longer that fast.
This is the sign that the solution is starting to work.
Be patient and give it time to attack.

8. Even with low platelet count, the WBC is rising, the person starts
feeling well: improved appetite, no fever, no dizziness, no stomach pains.
Next, the platelet count will start to go up as well.

9. Usually, the person will be ready for discharge from the hospital
48 hours after consuming all the “A.D.S.X. Solution.”

10. Please keep us updated, by text, all the blood-count readings.

11. This drink is all-natural, containing what the US FDA classifies as
“generally regarded as safe” (GRAS) ingredients.

12. This is NOT a medicine, and NO cure is claimed by this solution.
