
Prohibited “Prohibited” Foods, Juices, Drinks, And Fruits For A Dengue Patient Remember this is not a "professional medical advise." We do not accept any responsibility for these statements. Read at your own risk. Ø Is your patient, right now, taking apple tonic or apple juice? If so, stop it, right now! Where in the world did you get that idea that apple juice is good for a dengue patient? Ø Are you giving papaya juice or sap to your dengue patient? Stop it right now. Papain, which is an enzyme of papaya, is illegal in the US for internal consumption. In 2008 the US FDA announced its intention to take action against these products because it had received reports of serious adverse events in patients using products containing papain. Reports included hypersensitivity (allergic) reactions that lead to hypotension (low blood pressure) and tachycardia (rapid heart rate). In addition, people allergic to ...