
Showing posts from September, 2013

Dextrose: LR and D5LR

What type of Dextrose Solution (Intravenous) is your dengue patient being given? Table of Commonly Used Intravenous IV (Dextrose) Solutions The answer to this question may be important. Why? Because some IV or dextrose solutions cause platelets counts to go down, and stay down for a long time, long after ADSX has already "cured" the dengue. Especially, the LR and D5LR types of dextrose solutions. If possible, tell your doctor to use only NS type If possible do not LR or D5LR type of dextrose. Read these to know more about the side effects of D5LR D5LR (Lactated Ringer's Solution) What are Lactated Ringers (Risks and Contraindications) DLR or D5LR increases death in cardiac arrest cases DLR and D5LR exacerabates renal problems Read below for more information. IV Drips (Dextrose Solutions) Some of the ADSX users chose not to be hospitalized. And we have observed that they recover faster than those in the hospital. One of the reasons is that outpat...

Table of Commonly Used IV Solutions

Please scroll down for the complete table If possible do not LR or D5LR type of dextrose. Read these to know more about the side effects of D5LR D5LR (Lactated Ringer's Solution) What are Lactated Ringers (Risks and Contraindications) DLR or D5LR increases death in cardiac arrest cases DLR and D5LR exacerabates renal problems Please scroll down for the complete table Please scroll down for the complete table Tab l e of C om m only Us e d IV S olutio n s Name o f So l ution Type of So l ution Ing r edi e nts i n 1- L i t e r Uses Complica t i o ns 0.45% So dium Chlori d e Shorthand Notation: ½NS Hypot o n ic pH 5 .6 77 mEq S o dium 77 mEq C h loride hypot o nic hydra t ion; r ep l ace sod i u m a n d c h lor i de; hyperos mo lar d iabe te s if too mu c h is m i xed with blood c e lls during tran s fu s io ns, the c e lls w i ll pull water into ...